Saturday, October 1, 2011

My First 5K!!

I DID IT, I ACTUALLY DID IT!!  It was  amazing, I am so proud of myself, I can honestly say I NEVER, EVER, EVER thought I would be able to say I ran in a race!!!

The adrenaline and anxiety and excitement that overcame me was like nothing I have ever experienced before.  It was awesome running through the neighborhood and having people tell you good job, keep it up, and cheering you on, people you don't even know!  There was a family who had huge speakers at the end of their driveway BLASTING music, and clapping for people that ran by, I thought that was awesome!

When I came up to the the 1st mile marker and they told me my time was 10:56!  I almost fell over!  That's the quickest I have ever ran a mile.  That really gave me a BOOST!!!

When I got to the half-way point and came around the corner and saw what to me seemed like a rather large hill I got a little discouraged.  I don't run hills at all!  My treadmill is FLAT and my housing addition is FLAT!  I do FLAT!

Not to long after the hill I came up to mile marker 2, and since I was running with my bestie who has ran mini-marathons and has done LOTS of running, I decided to drop back a little and try to save my energy that way after passing mile 3 I could sprint to the finish and PASS her!  When we came around mile 3 I kicked it in high gear!  I tried and tried to get past her but unfortunately I just couldn't do it (her legs are much longer than mine) but I was right behind her!  She only finished 1 SECOND ahead of me! Next time, I'll get her next time! :)

This was my BEST time EVER!  I had been running the 3.1 miles here at home in about 41-45 minutes. I finished the Oktoberfest 5K in 33:23!!  This is a 10:46 mile!  I finished 187 out of 252 runners.  My goal from the very beginning when starting Couch to 5K was a 10 minute mile.  And I'm a little over the exact 10:00 but I'm gonna say I met my goal!

So I am pretty sure I am addicted to this!!  I am really excited to get signed up for the Bev Coleman 5K on October 30th!!!!!!  I hope I can do just as good if not better!!!!  Maybe I should try to shoot for finishing in 30-33 minutes! I would be perfectly happy taking off 23 seconds of my time.

To all of you out there who took you valuable time and read this, THANK YOU, and sorry for all the exclamation points!!!! I'm just so EXCITED!!!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

the BIG lifestyle change

So I haven't blogged in quite awhile, however, Daniel and I are making great progress with couch to 5k! We just started week 5!  My reasons for not having regular entries has a lot to do with big changes in our life.

In recent weeks we have found out that Carson (my 1yr old) is allergic to eggs, peanuts, tree nuts and citrus! And that I am allergic to wheat, shrimp and mold!  This has been VERY difficult and depressing for me.  We found out about Carson's allergies 2-3 weeks before mine, this was quite devastating to us and we were at a loss as to how we were going to handle this.  I went thru all the food in the house he ate and I swear egg was in 90% of it!  Now he never had anaphylatic reactions to these things like he had with the ice cream or I wouldn't have been feeding it to him.  But the doctor told us we had to eliminate ALL egg and citrus from his diet so hopefully he will outgrow it.  The peanut and tree nut allergy will unfortunately be a life long allergy and we will always have to have epi pens with us :( just in case.  (I pray they never have to be used)

I have had a TERRIBLE time this year with my allergies and have been sick several time this year.  My doctor decided to run some blood work to see what I was allergic too, when she ordered it I saw she had ordered a food panel along with the environmental panel.  I thought to myself, why would she order the food panel?  There is NO WAY I am allergic to any food!  WELL SHOCKER FOR ME!!! I WAS!!!   The office called a few days later and told me I was severely allergic to wheat, shrimp and mold!  I was floored!  How was I going to handle this?  This is just too much for me, I'm still trying to figure out Carson's problems.  I don't have time to deal with my own.  I love bread and pasta as much as I love my husband and children! I'll never be able to give up these things.  They told me I needed to go see an allergist.  However, after discussing all of this with my husband and just sitting on the information for a few days we decided that I would change my diet for a few weeks to see if I felt any better.  I really don't want to go to see the allergist, I think I'm afraid I will find out I'm allergic to more than what my family doctor has already told me.  And at this point I'm not sure I can digest anymore information like that. :(  If the diet change doesn't work then I will suck it up and go but I want to try diet change first.

So a week later Daniel and I headed to the store with a plan after talking with a few people that eat "special diets" and we bought what we call "special diet food". We came home with the Mr. Ed special; barley, quinoa, oats, flax seed, and brown rice.  We also bought LOTS of fruit and veggies, and some very expensive YUMMY cheese!  The "good" cheese will not be something we buy on a regular basis just because its WAY to expensive...............but its a nice treat :)  And yes, the stuff we bought was a little more money, BUT its much healthier for us, and I believe it will last awhile the bags are pretty good size.  I'm excited to try new recipes.  Last night I made beef barley stir fry.  It was WONDERFUL and everyone liked it, and I really didn't even put a dint in the bag of barley.

The big reason for us starting C25K was to get healthy and set a good example for our children, and to run a 5K of course!  I believe everything happens for a reason, we don't always know that reason, and we don't know or have our plan, but he does.  I have to believe there is a reason for all of this, some reason we need to make this change.  So that's what we are doing, grabbing the bull by the horns and getting healthy and making positive changes in our lives.  Yes its just "food & exercise", but before now we never really paid that much attention to what we ate, and we DEFINITELY did NOT exercise.  And maybe these small changes will lead to bigger and better changes for us and our family!

Hopefully I can get back to blogging on a regular basis, I would like to be able to do this at least once a week, but we will see!   :)

I hope everyone has a great day!  Thanks for reading my blog!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

C25K Week 2; Day 1

Week 2; Day1
5 min brisk warm up walk, then 90 seconds of jogging, then 2 minutes of walking, alternate for 20 minutes, then a 5 min cool down walk.

So I got a little behind because as it usually goes the baby (Carson) got sick and so did Mommy :(  So I missed a few days but I'm back on track now!!!  And my hubby even skipped the days too so we could stay on track together.  

When I did the last day of week one it was pretty difficult but I think that's because I was still a little sickly, however, I did it in the morning and I felt AWESOME all day! TONS OF energy!  I would love to be able to do it in the mornings all the time.

So tonight was day 1 of week 2.  Honestly I was really nervous, thought I would struggle doing it but it went really well, I feel pretty good too, not sore at all!  I really can't believe how easy it was, maybe because the weather was so nice, I ran right before it started to rain, so it was nice, breezy and cool, but it did start sprinkling a little so I finished the last 7 minutes or so on the treadmill. The treadmill is A LOT easier I definitely don't push myself as hard on the treadmill as I do outside.  Why is that?  And I definitely enjoy the outdoors better! Inside is soooo boring. 

So tonight after I got done with my jog/walk I made my hubby get on the scale since he looks like he lost weight, even the guys at work have said something to him.  So after his shower he got on the scale.........................we started C25K 8/1......................HE LOST 11 POUNDS IN 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So not fair!  As usual I have I'm a little disappointed about that BUT I'm not gonna let it get me down, I'm gonna keep pushing and be diligent, hopefully my hard work will eventually pay off.   

I'll be back in a couple days!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Couch to 5K; Week 1: Day2 (Not What I Hoped)

Week 1; Day2
5 min brisk warm up walk, then 60 seconds of jogging, then 90 seconds of walking, alternate for 20 minutes, then a 5 min cool down walk.

Check out the entire 9 week plan at

Well day two of the plan was a lot harder than I thought it would be :(  I had a really hard time tonight, and honestly I was surprised because it is so much cooler tonight and there was even a breeze.  I really had in my mind all day that it was going to be easier than Monday night, so I think now its a little frustrating to me and getting me down, and has me wondering if I am going to be able to complete this 9 week plan.

I was worried as I stated in Monday nights blog that I would be sore on Tuesday, however, I was not so this is even more mind boggling to me as to why tonight was so much harder.  I felt really good Monday night after the run/walk and tonight I just feel tired and ready for bed.  If this is what the next 9 weeks is going to be like I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make my goal.

My hope in doing "Couch to 5K" is to make a lifestyle change, get healthy and hopefully loose a little weight in the process :)  I want to set an example for my children, show them that exercise should be a habit in our day-to-day life and that its fun to do!  And at 27 years old I am very sad to say its not a part of my day-to-day, I would do good for a few weeks exercising then fall of the wagon and get lazy again.  My greatest hope would be to complete this 9 week plan and actually be able to run a 5K with my very special friend Kera.........this woman is AMAZING she ran a mini marathon PREGNANT!  And run it with my hubby too :) he again got on the treadmill tonight and completed day 2 with me!!

Back to the 9 week plan........hopefully after completing this it will be a habit, and a habit that is ADDICTING! So hopefully we won't want to quit and my hubby and I can get in the best shape of our lives, and teach our children to be healthy and active!

God give me strength and endurance to meet my goals.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Couch to 5K; Week 1: Day1

SUCCESS!! I did it!

Week 1; Day1
5 min brisk warm up walk, then 60 seconds of jogging, then 90 seconds of walking, alternate for 20 minutes, then a 5 min cool down walk.

Really wasn't so bad, I think this is going to be VERY DO-ABLE, however, when 18 minutes rolled around I was ready to KILL MYSELF!! I'm pretty sure it was like 814 degrees outside!!  LOL......Its WAY TOO HOT!  This weather is a killer!  My husband Daniel started it today too!! YAY!! However, he chose to do it on the treadmill, I may have to resort to that on Wednesday if it isn't any cooler.

I am feeling really good right now, I finished about 2 hours ago.  That's the great thing about always feel great afterwards.  Hopefully I still feel this good in the morning......we will see.....I may not be able to drag my butt out of bed!! HA HA  (I did stretch)

Well maybe someone out there will join me in this.  I will take all the support and encouragement I can get.  The web site to print off the 9 week plan is

I would like to thank Sarah and Evelyn for getting me started on Couch to 5K, and Amber for the inspiration to do this blog!  I hope you all enjoy it!

I will be back after my next jog/walk to let you all know how it goes!

"New Blogger" on "Lifestyle Changes"

Well this blog thing is new to me, however, I have been inspired by someone to do this, it goes.

I have been thinking and talking a lot lately with my husband about changing our lifestyle.  Getting healthy, so we can set a good example for our children.  Its a lot easier said than done.

I would like to exercise on a REGULAR basis, and change our eating habits, not some "crash diet", but a lifestyle change.  My big downfall is sweets, and when I say big I mean GIGANTIC!  But  I don't want to do this alone, I want someone to make the changes with me.  Its so easy to get stuck in a rut and get lazy, and that is what I have done....."got lazy".    However, I think my husband may be a little skeptical.....he usually just listens and agrees when we have this conversation, I'm usually the one doing most the talking.  HA HA HA

I have been looking into "Couch to 5K", check it out @, I think it would be a good way to ease into regular exercise.  I think its a good start, I plan on starting today (8-1-11), I will let you all know how it goes on here, maybe I will get brave and post my stats on here (ht, wt, etc) and we can all track my progress, maybe this would be a good way to visualize it for myself, I could even post a food diary on here.  We will see.  

The food diary is scary, I am like a cow......LOL.....I like to graze!  I like to just munch all day on whatever......and that it SO NOT GOOD.  I have lost some weight since March 2011, about 20lbs, however, I had a baby in May 2010, had stopped breastfeeding, and started eating healthier, but now I have fallen off that wagon and have put on about 5lbs :(   Its so easy to go back to our old habits, and thats what I have done.

Now its time to be accountable for what I put in my mouth, and what I do to my body!  So this is me on here.....being accountable.

I will try to post tonight after my 1st go at "couch to 5K" to let you all know how it goes.